Librairie Tschann // Meeting
Wednesday, January 30, 2024 - 8:00 PM - Paris
Le devenir de la hauteur-note, Camille Lienhard

Interview with Camille Lienhard, philosopher, musicologist and composer

This presentation and discussion of Camille Lienhard’s book, Le devenir de la hauteur-note, marks more than ten years of intellectual and artistic collaboration between philosophy and musical composition, starting at the Strasbourg Conservatoire and Philippe Manoury’s class.

In her book, prefaced by Hugues Dufourt, Camille Lienhard conducts a powerful epistemological investigation based on one question: why has pitch resisted the sonic conquests of the last forty years, and why does it remain the operative foundation of musical writing, despite all the technical advances and sonic innovations?


Librairie Tschann
125, bd du Montparnasse
75006 Paris

Camille Lienhard’s book : Site des Éditions Delatour