stratégie du rebelle

stratégie du rebelle

Duration: 13 min. Working with the flute orchestra poses to the composer, more than the string orchestra and its canonical status, the question of the common and the singular in music. How can differentiated sounds emerge from the same family of instruments, how can...
poème de l’onde

poème de l’onde

Duration: 15 min. Poème de l’onde, for solo voice, dedicated to Roula Safar, is part of a cycle of solos started in 2007 with Prima. It is a musical construction around two texts: the Popol Vuh, on the one hand, genesis of the Mayan civilization, transliterated...


Duration: 10 min. If it can be stated that music is not identifiable with language – it is both inferior to it by its means of expression and superior by its means of impression, it can maintain persistent relationships with it in which the composer must free himself...