by production | Jun 4, 2012 | concerts
Progetto Internazionale per la Diffusione della Musica …C’È MUSICA… Incontri Internazionali Melissano (Lecce), Maggio-Giugno 2012, Prima Edizione Miriam Caputo e Biagio Putignano, direzione artistica Program Charles D. Wajnberg : electric moments, solo for piano...
by production | Apr 2, 2012 | concerts
2:30 p.m. – Masterclass With Sophie Dardeau’s students Nancy Conservatory, 3 Rue Michel Ney – 54000 Nancy 8:00 p.m. – Concert Premiere of electric moments, solo for piano (2010 – 2011) by Catherine Chaufard Auditorium of the Nancy Conservatory, 3 Rue Michel Ney –...
by production | Apr 1, 2012 | solo music
Duration: 15 min. The piano is a particularly mechanized instrument, more indifferent to human physiology than the flute or the violin, for example, which readily become one with their performer. It is only joined in its technological madness by the organ and a few...
by production | Mar 25, 2010 | orchestra music
Duration: 13 min. Working with the flute orchestra poses to the composer, more than the string orchestra and its canonical status, the question of the common and the singular in music. How can differentiated sounds emerge from the same family of instruments, how can...
by production | May 16, 2009 | conferences
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